Engage a Conflict Coach to get you through those one-off conflicts that cause you great stress. You don't need to go it alone. A few sessions with Thad will have you asking the right questions in a conflict situation, neutralising emotional scenarios, and finding a more peaceful way to bring all parties to agree a better outcome. Thad is a skilled conflict coach with years of experience in alternate dispute resolution.  

Conflict resolution - Thad will train your management or staff on conflict resolution and peaceful productive dialogue in the workplace.

Human rights – protect your workplace from discrimination, bullying and  harassment with relevant training from Thad Hollis, a Human Rights advocate and mediator.

One-on-one executive mentoring is also available.

Customised to the needs of the organisation and the learning styles of your executive team, Thad’s clients rely on his extensive experience and knowledge and his intuition in any scenario. He offers guidance on Employee Relations best practice with a view to reducing complaints and strife, while improving management and staff communication.